Monday, August 23, 2004


Thinking about tracking my church's spiritual growth brings to mind Yeshua's teaching on judgement - "log out of your own eye". I had better focus on that development before I go describing/analyzing my church.

How/when do I know the log is out of my eye?

"I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing!" -Rabbi Hillel the Elder (c.60BCE-20CE)


Blogger Jor said...

I love the quote! I forwarded it to Annie because we just had a good conversation about not being discouraged if you make a mistake, even recurrently.

BTW, I think Hillel was Gamaliel's teacher, who was Saul of Tarsus's teacher. Gamaliel is also in the New Testament where he tells the Sanhedrin not to persecute the early Christians because either it will be a fad and die away, or they might find themselves opposing God!

2:32 PM  
Blogger Helen Bratko said...

I wonder Ian if you are having trouble distinguishing between judgement (these people are BAD for doing this, Or IIII wouldnn't do it THAT way) and discernment (my church is well meaning but not going the direction I am lead in, or I'm not sure that this is how Jesus would do things here.)

If our hearts attitude is to bless and not critcize then we are not judging. There is always the need for discernment and the place to ask questions. I don't agree with the way my church does everything, but I agree with enough that I can overlook the things I don't like and perhaps work to change one or two things that the Lord places on my heart to try to change.

My advice would be to ask the Lord what you should do about your feelings about the spirituality of your church. Many churches are organized more around socail/community aspects rather than devotion to Jesus and the scriptures. When I left the Catholic church when I was in college, it was ALL about where I could grow the most spiritually. Of course you have other considerations with a family and all.

Saying a prayer for you as I post this. Love to you!

Have you been to my blog? I sent you an email about it.

3:14 PM  
Blogger nai said...


I have your blog in my RSS/atom feeds, but it was no alerting me to updates.

I am "redoing" the atom feed, so lets see how it works.

Thanks so much for your comment. I knew all this (about judgement), but I certainly forget when my emotions get involved. That is my problem, when my emotions take command, and I can no longer think straight, and I don't make enough time for prayer to get my head straight, and many times my prayers don't get the job done either. I am glad I have you to help pull me back on track.

7:55 AM  

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