Thursday, February 10, 2005

Hit by a Train

Listening to Train's "Calling All Angels", these lyrics have me thinking...

'Cause my TV set just keeps it all from being clear - so true.

In a world that what we want is only what we want until its ours - greed, but I like the focus on the mania involved.

I won't give up, if you don't give up - of course I see the obvious "we're in this together" nature of the statement. What struck me is how God would say it: "I won't give up, even if you give up."

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

My Next Invisible Sin.

It is always amazing when God brings to my awareness what I would call "invisible sin". It is sin that is quite invisible to me. I can go years without any sense of it. When I finally see it, it makes perfect sense how things have been going. More evidence of what a spiritually blind, emotional creature I am.

I knew that I should make God the priority in every moment. I knew I should be spending more prayer time, doing it each day. I may not be doing these well yet, but at least I was aware of these issues.

I only felt good about who I was on Sundays (worship) and Tuesdays (Great Banquet Reunion Group). Was my Mon.-Fri. job causing me to forget about God?

It took Brother Lawrences insistance that you must continuously pray and worship until you do not particularly need time alone to pray because you have been doing so in all your public activities. It took Sunday adult bible study, James 4:13-17, asking me to include God in all decisions in my life.

I have asked God for his guidance in knowing what he wants me to do with reaching out to people at my work. I even pray for co-workers. But pray for his guidance in making a business decision? Ask for his guidance in a career move?

Now I will. I wonder what other areas of my life I have "compartmentalized" away from God.

It is very comforting to know that God cares about and desires the entirety of our lives - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - all of it.