Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Great Banquet

At dinner in the house of a Pharisee, Jesus told a parable about The Great Banquet.

I am blessed that a ministry called The Great Banquet has been hosted these last four years at my church. You can read the web site for more detail, but simply put, the Great Banquet is a 72-hour, locked-in, spiritual retreat where the guests are loved by The Great Banquet community the way God loves us.

You can only be a guest once, but can serve at a Great Banquet any number of times, at any level of committment you feel called to.

As a guest over two years ago, I experienced how God loved me through others, and that gave me a big hint of who Jesus was. It was the greatest weekend of my life.

Not anymore. This spring, I served on the team that was locked-in with the guests. The orientation is serving the guests, not our own needs. I expected the usual "feel good" I get when serving others. What I did not expect was how God would love me while I was serving others!

It was the first time I ever confessed to him and others, all while in His service. I felt cleansed for the first time. I am still a work in progress, but this time God peeled off a whole layer of the onion that is me.

Praise Him.